This customer pulls a red gooseneck trailer with this, so we wanted to tie the two together. The red graphics on the bed did the job. The black and red graphics on the front also eliminate the plain white truck look.
After we did his white truck he bought a silver Transit van. He was concerned about how we could maintain the same look, but it wasn’t a problem. That blue diagonal panel takes your eye away from the truck color. I had an image and some logos to deal with, but I kept them away from the primary message.
I started with this company’s logo and tweaked it a little to make it more legible. He’s used this leaf on his truck for years, so that had to stay. I beefed up the lettering on Primrose, which was fairly light before. Landscaping was also up tight against Primrose before, so I opened that up a little. He liked another dump truck that I had done that used graphics on the bed. So I used the red and gray bold stripe with bars of shading through it and used the leaf on it again in black.
Here I had to make a black truck look like it was a white one. All his other trucks are white, but he got a good deal on this black truck. He doesn’t like black, though, and thought he should wrap the cab. But he keeps his trucks awhile, and if a wrap starts to look a little faded, it’s a job to replace it. This way if the decal on the hood or door starts looking bad, he can bring it by and I can replace it. Now you really have to look at it to figure out what color the truck was.
A silver truck can look just as plain as a white one. This customer got a good deal on the silver dually, and also on a red gooseneck trailer. My job was to make them look like they went together. I pushed the lettering off the cab and on to the bed, then ran some red graphics on the back of the truck then some silver graphics on the front of the red trailer.

Overcoming white truck syndrome

Oh, well. Another Monday morning, another white truck...

By Braun Bleamer

Posted on Monday, April 30th, 2018

If a small business owner needs a new truck and wants to make a good deal on one, it’s probably going to be white. Once it’s bought, it’s time to get it lettered. But everyone has a white truck, and the customer doesn’t want the same thing everyone has. He or she doesn’t want to look like just his competitors going down the road, except for a different business name on the door.

That’s where effective lettering and graphics come in. As a designer, you can trick the viewer so that they don’t even notice that white truck under the graphics. Instead, they notice the message—the logo and the name of the company, and what they do. The secret, if there is one, is designing high impact graphics.

If a customer has cookie-cutter lettering on the doors or has a zero-impact logo, most viewers will not even notice—even if he has a fleet of 10 or 15 trucks. But if a smaller company has high impact vehicle graphics on their fleet of one, two or three trucks, people notice. My dad is a general contractor and has one van and one pickup, yet people tell him that they see his trucks “all over town.” The only explanation is that the graphics make his two-truck “fleet” more noticeable.

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Braun Bleamer’s shop, Jet Signs Inc., is in Palmerton, Pennsylvania.

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