Spared from the dumpster Dayna Reed, Sign Art, Hood River, Oregon
Wraps for consumers cars Leah Corrado, Carvertise, Wilmington, Delaware
“My husband, Jeff Kicska, owner of And the Sign Says, has done a lot of sign work at his alma mater, East Stroudsburg University, as part of their rebranding,” says Mary Postma. “He recently designed and produced the 6-ft.-tall entrance sculpture out of aluminum featuring their new logo.” Photo by East Stroudsburg University
“It seems funny,” says Paul Musgrove, SignMaker, Santa Barbara, California, “that after 41 years in the sign business, I got to make the directional sign to heaven. If they had waited a little longer, I might have gotten the commission to make the sign that says ‘At Heaven’!”
Bob Parsons


By signcraft

Posted on Monday, July 2nd, 2018

Spared from the dumpster

Dear SignCraft,

Here’s a sign with a history. The redwood in this sign was from a tree that had grown for at least 300 years in the Canadian forest. Sometime in the 1950s, the giant tree was felled, logged and delivered to a sawmill in Boise, Idaho, where it was milled into a 4-by-12-in. vertical grain beam. The giant tree became a giant beam in a small mall in Sun Valley, Idaho.

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