Tips & Tricks: Peel acrylic masking easily

By signcraft

Posted on Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

We recently routed a few hundred acrylic COVID barriers and planned to bend feet on them after routing for added stability. To do so, we needed to partially remove the protective mask before heating and bending. Using a fingernail for this task proved somewhat time consuming so I came up with a solution.

As the photo on the left shows, using a small chunk of a sanding belt cleaning stick to peel just the edge back worked great. It cut the peel time spent upwards of 80%. Once we peeled back a couple inches of masking we heated and bent the acrylic then rubbed the masking back down. The photo at right shows the router-cut barriers. The barrier at right shows us starting to peel the masking. At left you see the barrier after bending.

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