Prefinishing PVC sign panels makes routed signs more practical
By signcraft
Posted on Monday, August 15th, 2022
One way to keep production costs down on CNC-routed signs is to finish the panel before routing the letters. PVC board makes this not only possible, but makes it easy, too.
Mike Keene, WoodCraft Sign Shoppe, Richmond, Virginia, has used PVC panels on his signs for years. He likes the stability and durability of PVC—and how easy it is to work with. There was a slight learning curve in developing a process that gives consistent results but Mike finds PVC board to be a very production-friendly sign substrate for CNC-routed work.
He takes advantage of the time saved by prefinishing the sign panel by using two different methods. Sometimes he paints the panel first, and other times he applies vinyl film directly to the PVC panel to serve as the background finish. Mike recommends using a quality exterior-grade PVC board like Komacel, since not all PVC is intended for exterior use.