Quick layout tip: Give the message room to breathe

By signcraft

Posted on Monday, September 26th, 2022

Braun Bleamer, Jet Signs, Palmerton, Pennsylvania

The code word for this is “negative space.” It refers to the space around each letter, each word, each message group and the margin around the graphics. Most sign layouts lack adequate margin around the text and lack enough negative space around each message group. Increasing the amount of space around the messages in a layout will almost always help legibility—which will set your work apart from the crowd.

Many sign designers seem reluctant to take advantage of negative space. They fill the layout with text, leaving little margins or space between the lines of copy. Customers don’t help—they’re quick to add things to the layout because “it looks like we have some extra space” or to want the phone number larger for the same reason.

That’s another reason why negative space is so effective: Most sign layouts lack it. By framing your layout and copy blocks generously with negative space, your layouts immediately look different. Better. Easier to read. Pleasing to look at. Unique.

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