Farm tourism means another market for creative signs, graphics and more

By Dan Sawatzky

Posted on Sunday, October 30th, 2022

We’ve found a wonderful new market for our unique creations in the last few years. Some call it “agritourism.” We now count ten tourism farms located all across Canada and the USA as our clients.  These farms are all family owned and are amazing businesses that cater to hundreds of thousands of guests each year.

Clovermead Adventure Farm is located in Aylmer, Ontario, and is open from spring though the fall each year. To help families deal with the summer heat they built a splash pad on the farm last year. It proved to be an immediate hit, and they decided to do a large expansion this past winter. The owners approached us to come up with an idea for a sign/icon for the attraction.

Since this farm caters to young families, we knew many of the prospective clients couldn’t yet read. We also wanted the new feature to fit in with the story being told on the farm. There are countless antiques on display throughout the acreage, and these served as inspiration for the design of the pump.

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Dan Sawatzky's shop, Sawatzky's Imagination Corporation, is in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. Dan shares his experience in his Sign Magic Workshops on 3-D sign making, and his Sculpting Workshop.