Five ways to harness the power of simplicity

By signcraft

Posted on Tuesday, November 29th, 2022

No one has ever said that it is easy to keep your layouts simple. The temptation to add just one more thing is often overwhelming. As designers, we like to do cool things. But the K.I.S.S. principle—“Keep it simple, stupid!”—can help you deliver signs that are much more effective and appealing.

Bob Behounek preached simplicity on the pages of SignCraft for years, and other top sign designers share his passion for it. Why? They know that most viewers are overloaded with visuals to read and comprehend. Many are driving by as they see a sign. Signs are usually surrounded by clutter that further distracts the poor viewer.

Simple doesn’t mean boring. Simple means the layout is creative but not overdone. It’s appealing because it’s easy to read and understand. The message can have plenty of style and still be clean and simple. Special effects may dazzle some viewers, but simplicity can be bold and powerful, professional and tasteful, or classy and beautiful.

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