Transparent graphics can add a lot of appeal to a layout

By Rob Cooper

Posted on Monday, November 7th, 2022

Transparencies can be an easy way to sneak a logo or graphic into a sign without adding too much clutter—fish or coral for a dive shop; nuts, bolts and a brake disk for a mechanic. It’s a unique effect that adds a lot of interest to an otherwise basic layout.

I have used it many times to put a customer’s logo on a blackboard. Why just have a big black rectangle there when you can slip in the customer’s logo as a background?

The key is making sure the colors are not too strong, so that the graphic doesn’t interfere with the lettering, but still have it be visible. You want to create interest while still retaining legibility, so subtle is usually the way to do it.

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Rob Cooper’s shop is in Koh Tao, Thailand.