Tips & Tricks: Try Krylon spray paint over ultra metallic vinyl
By signcraft
Posted on Sunday, February 5th, 2023
I love spraying colors over ultra metallic silver vinyl film then cutting the letters and graphics from it. It retains the metallic look and just looks sharp.
On Bodacious Trucking I used Krylon blue spray paint and 1-Shot spray clear. I sprayed the blue, let it dry, then sprayed several coats of the 1 Shot Clear, because these trucks go through a lot. It was all cut from metallic film with outline/shadow being ultra metallic Cobalt Blue. I used Gerber Bright Blue Metallic around that and the little flourishes beside the cow’s head.
For the Shield Express truck, I used Cherry Red Krylon on the vinyl with 1-Shot clear over it. It’s a little hard to see the effect in a photo, but customers sure love the look of fade over the metallic film.