Camouflage the fasteners

By signcraft

Posted on Monday, June 17th, 2024

“I’ve always gone out of my way to hide any fastener that might hold a sign face to the structure,” says Dayna Reed, author of the 3D Signs Made Easy and More Super Cool 3D Signs DVDs. “They can really take away from the sign. They’re tacky. You don’t see the fasteners on any of those signs in Las Vegas, right?”

This sign is one example of Dayna’s approach. Six galvanized carriage bolts were used to hold the sign to the structure. Four of the bolts are hidden behind the lettered white panels, and two go through the circular logo panel. The bolts behind the white panels go through the black background panel, and the back of the white panel was recessed with a Forstner bit to accommodate the bolt head.

The bolts through the round panel, though, are gilded and appear just as buttons in the design. Installation was just a matter of drilling the structure and putting on six nuts.

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